Microsoft’s Bing Allows Easy Porn Access

I was interested to see that Microsoft’s new Bing search engine has come in for a bit of a hammering as it allows easy preview access to porn videos.

I know Microsoft is a favorite whipping boy for many, but why are they being singled out? Porn is readily available from any search engine and a 6 year old could figure out how to access it. A simple 2 clicks of the mouse is all it takes.

Yes, Microsoft probably needs to have some sort of filter even if it can be easily circumvented just like ALL THE OTHER ONES in existence.

For those of you out there frothing at the mouth at Microsoft I say this:

It is YOUR responsibility to make sure your child does not have access to inappropriate material, not Microsoft’s. If you can afford a computer then you can afford net safety software to go with it. Stop trying to pass the buck.


  1. Deborah 06/06/2009
  2. Neena 06/10/2009

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