Category: In The News
I am always interested in reading through the comments that accompany many articles published by newspapers online. It’s always a good indicator of just how fucked up society in …
There have been many programs on TV over the years that have dealt with accident victims who have fallen into a coma and have subsequently been diagnosed as being …
I was interested to read on Reuters (a source of real news unlike what passes for news in the US) the results of an eight year study that compared …
My first thought was: God does exist. My second thought was: Do I trust a politician to tell the truth? Bugger! 2012 is going to be a bitch.
A headline caught my eye today about the FDA. Apparently they are targeting companies that market energy drinks that combine alcohol and caffeine and have given companies that market …
It still saddens me that a country as modern as the USA practices state sanctioned killings as a solution to crime – in other words the death penalty. It …
I saw a news story today and promptly did a double take. Apparently US President Barack Obama will be going before the UN General Assembly and telling them that …
It takes quite a lot to actually piss me off but the current debate on universal health care and the large percentage of scaremongers claiming it doesn’t work in …
I was interested to see recently that the CDC proudly trumpeted “Life Expectancy Rises to New High of 75.3 for Men and 80.4 for Women” which works out at …
It seems the lipsticked one – Sarah Palin – is at it again with her claims of “Death Panels.” Well… this is old news isn’t it? Don’t insurance companies …