Tag: morality
I recently received my yearly “give us money” missive from our local fire department. Nothing too unusual there. I am sure that most Americans get similar letters too. This …
Those of you who know me will know that I am a movie fan. I picked up a dvd a while back – The Tripper – and finally got …
There have been many programs on TV over the years that have dealt with accident victims who have fallen into a coma and have subsequently been diagnosed as being …
It still saddens me that a country as modern as the USA practices state sanctioned killings as a solution to crime – in other words the death penalty. It …
I was absolutely gobsmacked to read that medical bills are the leading cause of bankruptcy in the US. I know of no other country where this is the case. …
I was interested to see that Microsoft’s new Bing search engine has come in for a bit of a hammering as it allows easy preview access to porn videos. …
I definitely did a double take when I first saw this in the news. as it concerns one of my top rated morons of all time I just couldn’t …
Apparently Darth Cheney has been defending the Bush administration policy of torturing suspects. As previously discussed the “It’s not torture because we don’t call it that” approach to morality …
It doesn’t seem to be very often that I have anything really positive or uplifting to write about nowadays as regards society in this modern “I’m alright Jack” world …
Remember those so eloquently phrased promises of “transparent government” and an end to military tribunals? I thought … Transparent government? That’s the way it should be. Great. Fundamentally flawed …